The James J. Peters VA Medical Center of New York,
in collaboration with the
Native American Indian Special Emphasis Program,
The United Confederation of Taino People – Regional Coordinating Office,
Tanama Yucayeke Taino,
Ku Karey Taino Spiritual Circle,
Cacibajagua Taino Cultural Society,
and Yaboa Indigenous Women's coalition
Miss Indian World 2006,
Violet John
for a Special Tribute To American Indian Veterans,
Saturday, November 18, 2006
The program begins at 12 noon – 3:00pm in room 3d-22 on the third floor of the
James J. Peters VA Medical Center
located at
130 West Kingsbridge Road,
Bronx, New York 10468.
For more information please contact:
Marie Maweiaru at 718-741-4212,
Vanessa Inarunikia at 718-796-2460,
R. Mucaro Borrero 212-604-4186